1. insstall Digicert certificate utility
2. Create CSR
3. Fill in the following information
5. Install the download certificate into your computer by click "import"
7.Export the certificate with private key and click "next"
8. Give the certificate a password
9. Install the same certificate exported into both RLA-ADFS01 AND MRS-ADFS02 servers, The certificate will need to install in local Machine of the server as the following.
10. Enter the password setup before
11. After both of the servers are done, run this PowerShell script to blind the certificate, replace the Thumbprint to the new certifcate that just installed
Set-AdfsCertificate -CertificateType "Service-Communications" -Thumbprint "cf5c6d1f97e853a494f84def439053348af9b9b4"
12. Both of the servers will need a restart after the certificate blinded.